Tonsillectomy – removal of palatine tonsils

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Chronic tonsillitis is the result of recurrent acute tonsillitis, but it can also develop in the absence of obvious symptoms of angina. Chronic inflammations are not always preceded by acute infections. Particularly creamy, branched crypts dominate, which penetrate the pulp dominate in the construction of tonsils. Physiologically, the material that is deposited in these crypts is removed freely to the mouth and tonsil function is not disturbed. Sometimes it happens that the food residue remains permanently in the hollows, becoming a nutrient for bacteria that live in the mouth, which leads to chronic tonsillitis. In addition, lymphocytes, exfoliated epithelium and bacteria can accumulate in the crypts.
Symptoms of chronic inflammation are scarce and not very characteristic. Patients complain of mild periodic sore throat, feeling of an obstacle present in the throat, neck pain, difficulty in swallowing, halitosis, unpleasant taste in the mouth, disturbed taste, enlargement of the lymph nodes of the neck. Often patients report that they periodically observe formation of white or yellow, hard, smelly deposits within the tonsils (tonsillar plugs). General symptoms such as unexplained fever, weakness, decreased immunity or weakness of apatite may co-exist.
Significantly hypertrophic palatal tonsils may lead to obstruction of the airways and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.The goal of treatment of chronic tonsillitis is to eliminate recurrent angina and latent foci of infection that affects the entire body.
Treatment of tonsils, consisting of rinsing and brushing with analgesics, brings little benefit in the case of chronic inflammation. The same applies to antibiotic therapy, which is used in acute inflammation. The only effective treatment in chronic inflammation is surgery.
Patients often have concerns about whether removal of the tonsils will not adversely affect the immune system. Palatine tonsils play their function until 8-10 years of age, then they undergo atrophy. The operation is carried out in people whose tissue is damaged and colonized by bacteria, so its removal has no negative effect on the immunity status.
Tonsillectomy or surgical removal of palatine tonsils is done under general anesthesia. The whole operation is performed in the throat with access through the oral cavity, therefore, no incisions are made on the skin of the face or neck. Tonsils are removed along with the surrounding pouch. Bleeding is stopped using diathermy or soluble sutures. As a result of the procedure, there is a wound in the throat, which heals via creation of a white deposit called the fibrin. It is not a sickness plaque, just a proper form of mucosal healing.
During the first few days, the patient feels discomfort or pain in the throat. During this period, food should be taken in semi-liquid form and hot, spicy and sour dishes should be avoided. Caution should be taken on the 6-7th day after the procedure, as the fibrinolytic process dissolves the fibrin and there is greater risk of bleeding.