Neurosurgery center (back pain treatment center)

In the Outpatient Clinic and Neurosurgery Center, we diagnose and treat disorders of the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system. The most frequent neurosurgical procedures performed in our hospital include microdiscectomies and discectomies, i.e. the removal of herniated intervertebral discs, bone osteophytes or hypertrophied ligaments. Any degeneration of the spine causes serious pain, which is due to the dysfunction of the compressed elements of the nervous system. Treatments involve removing the lesions and thus preventing permanent damage to the spine. We also frequently perform cryoablation procedures, i.e. treatment of chronic pain in degenerative spine disease.
Do you have any questions? Would you like to find out more about the full range of services offered by our hospital and clinic or make an appointment? We are at your service!
Tel. + 48 71 73 58 700
ORTHOS Szpital Wielospecjalistyczny Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Wrocławska 2a
52-229 Komorowice k. Wrocławia
We bring innovation, safety and heart to medical treatment!