Rules and regulations

Rules and regulations for patients hospitalised in Orthos Multidisciplinary Hospital


Dear Patients,


We hand to you the Rules and Regulations for Patients which will ensure proper functioning of the wards in our hospital. Please, read and observe the regulations stated herein during your stay at the ward. Thank you in advance.


  1. the patient has the right to be cared for by a close person during their stay in hospital. The extent of such carem ust be agreed with a ward coordintor / departamental nurse and confirm to a principles of the hospital.
  2. A patient receiving health services should comply with the principles, particulary the following ones:

a) comply with orders and recommendations of doctors, nurses and other medical Staff concerning the diagnostic, therapeutic, nursing and rehabilitation proces. This also applies to organisational and administrative matters;

b) inform the medical Staff (nurse, doctor on call, anaesthesiologist) about patient’s own drugs and, for safety concerns, do not take any drugs without the approval of the medical Staff for the entire hospitalisation period;

c) follow the prescribed diet;

d) stay in the appionted room during rounds and therapeutic or nursing procedures;

e) observe quiet hours from 10 p.m to 6 a.m.

f) comply with principles concerning safety, hygiene and fire hazard;

g) observe the prohibition of manipulating with equipment and medical, electrical, gas, ventilation and heating devices;

h) respect hospital property and in the event of its damage, cover the losses incurred by the hospital;

i) observe principles of personal hygiene and keep one’s surroundings in order;

j) observe prohibition od handling, possessing and using drugs, intoxicating agents, psychoactive substances and other products with similar effects, as well as bringing in and drinking alcohol, and smoking;


3. Family visits take plae between 8 a.m and 8 p.m. Visiting severely ill patients is admissible only upon prior approval of the attending physician or doctor on call.

4. During rounds and therapeutic or nursing procedures, visitors are adked to leave the patient room.

5. As for interpersonal relationships, one’s dignity, intimacy, convictions and moral standards must be respected.

6. One patient may have a maximum of three visitors simultaneously. They must not disturb the peace and quiet of ther patients.

7. Visitors must not bring in animals. In sucha n event, they will not be permitted to enter the hospital.

8. Patients sould not be visited by children under the age of 7 years; this can occur only in exceptional situations upon prior approval of the doctor and under supervision of an adult.

9. For epidemiological purposes or for other important causes, patient visits may be banned for some time.

10. Patients should not leave the ward without the awareness of the medical staff.

11. Patients may leave the hospital only upon prir approval of the ward coordinator.

12. For safety concerns, patient rooms cannot be locked from the inside.

13. Cell phone usage should not provoke any discomfort for other patients; cell phones should not be used at night.

14. Cell phones should not be used in certain, adequately marked places.

15. Other patients must not be photographed or filmed.

16. Patient rooms are equipped with a nurse call system (rings). It can be used in urgent situations that require medical intervention.

17. Information concerning patient rights in the form of the Act is available from doctors and nurses.

18. Patients can deposit valuable objects. The hospital is not responsible for objects and money that have not been deposited.

19. Information about patient conditio can be provided only to persons authorised by the patient.

20. Discharge frm hospital can occur:

– when the patient’s conditio does not require hospital treatment;

– at the patient’s or his statutory representative’s request;

– when the patient grossly violates order, and hospital discharge is unlikely to cause a direct threat to their health or life.


Komorowice, 15.05.2019