Prof. Bogusław Sadlik, an authority in the field of orthopedics and traumatology of movement, has established a Center at our hospital to conduct therapeutic as well as scientific activities in the field of so-called regenerative medicine in the joints of the lower limb. We use the latest medical advances to biologically restore patients’ damaged joint structures.
The Center treats patients recovering from sports injuries and trauma, suffering from post-traumatic degeneration of the knee and ankle joints, as well as all other musculoskeletal diseases.
Most surgeries are performed using the arthroscopic technique, and if this is not possible due to the nature of the surgery, mini-invasive incisions are made. Articular cartilage defects are repaired by implanting matrices (known as scaffolds) with stem cells or chondrocytes (i.e. cells previously extracted from a fragment of the patient’s articular cartilage), the goal of which is to create new articular cartilage at the site of the defect.