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Start » Ankieta anestezjologiczna w j. angielskim | Anesthesiology questionnaire in English
Please complete the questionnaire which is intended to help the anaesthesiologist prepare you for surgery and then safely perform anaesthesia. Please answer the questions according to your knowledge. Any doubts will be discussed during the preoperative aesthetic consultation. An anesthesiologist is a specialist who assesses the patient’s health conditio before the planned surgery, orders consultations with other specialists if necessary, and then selects and discusses the type of anaesthesia appropriate to the patient’s health conditio and the planned type of surgery, assesses the risk associated with anaesthesia, plans and presents the course of the anaesthesia and postoperative pain treatment, is responsible for conducting anaesthesia, provides care during surgery and in the immediate postoperative period. The preoperative questionnaire is used to collect information on the basis of which it will be possible to select the most favorable anesthetic procedure. Your cooperation will contribute to the optimal course of anesthesia. Please answer these questions very carefully. Please raise any ambiguities during the conversation with the anesthesiologist and sign the consent to anesthesia in his presence.